Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Difference Between Cougar and Sugar Daddy
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old man,
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sugar daddy,
young man,
young woman
CODE, O.C.’s Newest Concept Celebrates its Grand Opening

Mr. Ghazi is no foreigner in creating successful venues; his newest concept is CODE. The restaurant is open to the public; however CODE membership is either by invitation or matching criteria. The establishment keeps information of your frequency, appearance, spending habits, food preferences, and detail of all your visits. The goal is to receive personalized service in the restaurant as a VIP. Your dirty martini and rare steak will be prepared exactly to your liking because it’s all in your personal data. Even a minute detail as your choice of black over white napkin will be noted. After your 4 month trial period review, if you and your friend’s activities qualify the desired profile, your temporary copper card becomes the permanent platinum with your very own code number. Membership benefits include complimentary valet parking, highest priority restaurant seating, best table bottle service, invitations to CODE themed events, food and wine tasting, and more to come. The most attractive advantage is access to the hard-to-get-in venues in L.A. and Vegas. Want four tickets to that high profile boxing fight followed by clubbing at Pure in Vegas? No worry, as a CODE member, you have guaranteed seating to that match and someone will personally escort you to the club with no wait. “We encourage you to give your “CODE” to people for access of a like profile but do not give your “CODE” to a person that you would not rub elbows with.” Mr. Ghazi tries to evoke an environment where a certain caliber of clientele would habituate. According to him, it is not how much you spend but more importantly your frequent visits looking absolutely fabulous in hopes of giving the place a classy and cool vibe.
At the grand opening party, the scene looked like a snapshot from L.A. with eager guests waiting in the long line with anticipation of experiencing the newest buzz. Meanwhile, valet parked exotic cars for VIP and outsiders pleaded for a glimpse of the good life. With the approving eyes of the burly bouncer and handsome security with earpiece and walkie talkie in hand, you turn around the corner and walk some distance to finally arrive at the final destination: CODE.
Inside is earth and water, Ken Ussenko’s Zen vision for the establishment. As you enter, a path way symbolizing the Silk Road directly leads you to the focal point, the bar, which represents water. Shelves of bottles flank a shadow box where a sultry dancer grooves for your visual pleasure as you admire her sexy silhouette. The interior designer hopes to blend nature and texture in a relaxing upscale setting with each unique element custom designed. The dining area is the lounge itself with the incorporation of comfortable leather and suede couch seating throughout.
The lively venue was packed as over 700 people enjoyed hors d’oeuvres of shrimp cocktail, sushi rolls, salad and other bite-size goodies. Cocktails were served by beautiful waitresses dressed in brown as they effortlessly blended with the decor. For the fashionably late VIP, the restaurant lounge continued to serve its full dinner menu until 2 AM and the chilled bottle of Cristal patiently waited on its prime table as excited clubbers gyrated to the DJ's music on the dance floor.
CODE’s motto is “In Life There Are People That Have A Code…And Those That Do Not.” January 2009 Issue
Grand Opening,
hot spot in orange county,
night club,
A Trip to France On A September
On a positive side, I got my sugar fix in Paris of pastries, bakeries, and other assorted confectioneries... where my waking moment was hunting for the best eats. I traveled through Paris by foot and bicycle determined to confirm the best creperies, mille feuille, baguette, and other delicate goodies to nurture my soul and belly. I was a walking carb-filled-human. On a savory note, fois gras, frites and ducks were quite often my staple diet when I wasn't stuffing my face with ingredients ending in -ose. Every single day away from USA... I ate well. Although I wouldn't necessarily described it as "healthy". I didn't eat much vegetables and fruits, unless you count the strawberries, raspberries, and thinly sliced apples gloriously glazing my tarte de fruits. My food consumption could easily be categorized in one of the following food groups 1.) cheese 2.) meats 3.) pastries and 4.) breads. And maybe French fries should be the fifth group.
When in travel, I don't believe in being healthy....I believe in being HAPPY!....merci beaucoup....
While the main purpose of the trip was to attend a 3 part Jewish extravaganza of a wedding, I also took the opportunity to visit long distant friends. But, before I tell you more...have any of you been to a real live Jewish wedding? It's totally party central with flying dancing chairs, broken glass, tons of food!!! Can you say Mazal Tov!
As many of you know, one of my mission was to see our French friend in Bordeaux...and here are the tales of my visit with special attention to food as it is my raison d'être.
What a great pleasure it was to see Madame Christine Vandame who lives in Merignac, a suburbia town just a hop and skip away from Bordeaux. Without a doubt, her family was definitely a highlight of my 20 days sojorn. I stayed with Christine and her family for 4 nights.
As I got off my train from Arcachon...(more on that later), I didn't see Christine. I wandered around and around when I saw a lady in a car waving at me. Excitedly I waved back and walk towards her but noticed how much she had gained in weight and started to wear glasses...but oops...I realized it was not her and was relieved for Christine's sake!
I continued to walk around a bit whilst checking out the little train station of Pessac when finally I hear my name and I as I looked up, I see pink. Pink scarf and pink shoes. I was so happy to see her and we hugged like old buds. She seemed so petite...I didn't realize she was that petite...or maybe it's me inflated and bloated from too much flour, sugar, and butter. Blame it on the chocolate éclairs and clafoutis and then endless baskets of all-you-can-eat baguettes.
A little time later, Val (Marina Dominguez's daughter) joined us at the train station for a little threesome. She is a pretty 20 years old UCSD student studying in Bordeaux for the year. The three Musketeers get into Christine's white Peugeot and the Bordeaux adventure tour begins!
Bordeaux is a beautiful city in southwest France filled with great monuments and architecture also divided by a river. It's like "petite Paris" sans Eiffel Tower and all that jazz. That morning, we three ladies played tourists. Christine had just returned to France not too long ago, Val had only been in Bordeaux for 3 weeks, and this was my first time in this part of France.
But first, we must consume food....and masticating the comestibles we did at a beautiful restaurant Cafe Louis in the center of Bordeaux. We decided to take the later tour because when in France, one must take a leisurely lunch without haste and angst. None of this fast food business where your order arrives after 2 minutes of ordering and then to be wolfed down in 5. We toured Bordeaux on a convertible tour bus while discovering its beauty and history. After an hour of this very chillin' bus ride, Christine left to pick up her children from school so Val and I roamed the city. After walking the long Rue St. Catherine where cheap and trendy clothing stores reside, we took a coffee break sitting outside a cafe. When it was time for us to go, we took the tram to Christine's house. Unlike the Paris underground metro, Bordeaux has a better alternative...the tram. In defense of Paris, the city is much bigger thus requiring a more elaborate infrastructure of a public transportation. The tram only has 3 lines where the metro has 13 not including 3 rapid lines going to suburbs. My first night, Christine prepared for us a very French dinner of fois gras with toasts, duck with wild mushrooms, naturalement what's a French dinner without an assortment of cheese, apricot tart and a hazelnut chocolate something dessert....all to be washed down by both white and red wine. Val and I dined with Christine, Herve (her husband), Herve's aunt Guillane and their three small angels: Nelly, Lola and Louis who sat at their own little table and chair outfitted with a violet toile table cloth. After dinner, we relaxed in the living room with a cup of tea. A very nice soiree of friends and food, indeed.
Next morning Saturday, Christine and I drove back to Bordeaux for a 2 hours historic walking tour. The English speaking tour guide was sick and instead of waiting for a replacement which can take a while to find, we decided to go with the French speaking tour guide. I think he's gay. When the tour was over, Christine needed to leave so I met up with Val. My new buddy and I walked around Bordeaux for a place to eat. We were also in search of a Bordeaux specialty, the cannele. Little treasures of this region. Later we met up with Christine. That weekend was Europe's heritage weekend where all public places, government institutions, museums and monuments are free to the public. That evening we three girls sat on the stone ground inside the courtyard of the Customs Museum watching a delightful concert of young people singing and playing instruments. As I sat next to Christine enjoying the lovely thought wandered off of how great it is to live in France where every corner is history and beauty. Even inside this courtyard I was admiring the great stone wall and it looked exactly like a movie scene from Mozart's day where you can imagine people in horse drawn carriages and villagers shopping for their daily bread walking through town. The juxtaposition of modern clothing and cell phones reminded me that I am back in the 21 st century.
After the concert, Val left for the evening to join her friends of clubbing so Christine and I continued on our heritage evening events. We went to another courtyard where a giant screen played in black and white the history of Bordeaux. We soon tired of it so we left to dine in a restaurant where I had eel and Christine had sweetbread...which is the thyroid gland of a cow I suppose. Quite tasty! Just don't think about it..... the hormone producing organ! After dinner, Christine was sweet to give me an evening tour of the city but as hard as I tried, I couldn't keep my eyes open. Not even a dangling piece of cake could keep me up. Bordeaux is beautiful by night with all its blue, green and pink light showcasing the city's treasure.
The following day, I took a bus tour by myself for wine tasting and lunch. We visited wineries producing what is one of my favorite wine: the delicious sweet sauterne. A wine tour is a must do in Bordeaux similar to a beach tour is a must in OC. I visited three different chateaux and tasted their delicious nectars produced on site. For lunch, it was a delicious meal of fois gras with red berry gelee, main course was chicken with asparagus puree mousse and braised endives, assortment of cheese, and a personal size tarte tartin to finish it off.... naturally all accompanied by 3 different sauterne wines which all kind of taste the same to me with varying degrees of different fruit notes. As I return from my wine tour trip and waiting for Val at the Tourist Office....low and behold..I bumped into someone I know from California! This lady and I exchanged our schedule of when we would be in France but we never thought we could actually meet given the time and places where we would be. What a truly small world it is. Val comes to meet me and we walk Bordeaux for a bit before meeting up with the Vandame family at their house.
We all drove to a great park with a lake and chateau in Merignac. We spent a lovely lazy Sunday afternoon with the kids. Lola on rollerskates, poor Nelly who fell and scraped her toe while she and Louis were just being kids, Val and I dozing on the grass in front of this yellow chateau while a duo plays classic music. As I slumbered, I was awaken by a small person crawling on my back...not sure who it was but glad I woke so I could see how other French family spent their day off. We decided to head home and as we walked back to the car passing a retreat of a garden, Herve shows us indigenous trees and things. Val returned home as she needed to prepare for school the next day. For dinner we ate at the Vandame's backyard. The kids all had their baths and were squeakily clean in their pj's and wet braided hair. Dinner was a potato tart and mache salad. Comfort food is always very satisfying.The kids were very excited about the vanilla and pistachio ice cream.
I am having too much of a great time discovering this great region so I decided to prolong my stay for just one more day. The next day, Christine and I drove to St. Emilion which is an hour away to a charming medieval town producing serious famous world class wines. St. Emilion is full of chateaux and wineries. Since we arrived early in the morning, we were able to snag a great parking space. Christine and I walked the cobblestones of this quaint little town. As we descended the slope of the village, we took a brief repose at a cafe while admiring the tall bell tower and other medieval architecture while waiting for our tour to begin. We visited a catacomb and an underground church built underneath the main church. All this art history talk and following a group around was making me hungry and tired. Lunchtime! My favorite time! We went to a recommended restaurant where we sat in their inside courtyard patio. Christine had the fois gras mousse and the chocolate therapy! We both had a glass of first growth red wine from St. Emilion at 10 Euros a pop ($15) so you know this ain't no two buck chuck! After a real satisfying lunch of eggplant filled pastry on salad and entree of pork for me, we took a little choo choo train where it took us to the outskirt of the main village to tour the chateaux and wineries. I got off earlier to tour one winery while Christine continued on and then had to drive back home to pick up the kiddies. As I remained in St. Emilion, I continue touring and walking this charming place where time stood still and I imagined what life was like back then.....narrow streets, cobblestone ground, little shops and restaurants, churches here and there, little central squares, all in chateaux land. Oddly enough, I thought of the black plague and monks in brown robes. It was time for me to trek to the train station and return to Bordeaux. I was so looking forward to this evening because Christine was kind enough to fulfill a request of preparing Raclette for dinner. I didn't get to eat this Swiss specialty when I was in Switzerland this time. I did however at least got to eat cheese fondue where I think I got drunk from it. (just kidding) The kids and I are having a grand ol' time melting the cheese, scraping it off from a mini wooden spatula and smearing the melted light yellow goo over our little boiled potatoes, assorted sliced meats, and cornichons....we had some green salad and end it all, country style fromage frais with cream and brown sugar was for dessert. Delish! Oh did I mention the beautiful little canneles Christine thoughtfully bought? Merci Christine for getting these little yummy treats that has become my infatuations. These little Bordelais beauties are to die for and have become my new love! Who needs a boyfriend when there are canneles waiting for you to devour? They will love you back because you love them!
Christine and Val were witnesses to my addictions for these little sweet I was constantly buying them when I would have chance encounter. Pascal is to blame for my new addiction since he introduced it to me. I will sue him for my weight gain, puffy face, and painful withdrawal symptoms...
Next early morning I took the train back to Paris. I almost missed my trains but luckily Christine sped drove me with the 3 cuties in the back and all turned out well. Nobody got hurt, I didn't miss my trains and the kids got to school on time I hope!
Christine's children:Nelly, Lola and Louis.....were little joys. Herve was such a gracious host and man. It was truly a pleasure to spend some time with them all. I was most impressed with the love and unity of this family.
The Vandame family was very hospitable and very kind to me. I truly enjoyed the city but most of all what I hold dear in my heart the most was being with Christine and her loving family. I was very happy and felt welcomed... I had a great time wit them!
I also did visit one of my best buddy, Piero Acampora in Geneva which some of you Italians may know of him. He is doing well and misses the beautiful Californian sunshine. He lives in a wonderful flat with high ceiling and spacious rooms just right in front of the water fountain jet on Lake Lemans, Geneva. Piero and I had cheese fondue on my first night and what a sport he was for partaking with me since it's not particular his cup of tea....My time in Geneva was short but the visit was well worth it knowing I got to see il mio amico Piero! Piero came back from work twice to make me lunch of what else.....Italian raviolis and tomatoes, Italian meat and cheese drenched and drowned in olive oil.
I also visited Pascal, Raffster's former boyfriend whom I met and hung out with several times while he was visiting California. He lives in a resort beach town of Arcachon, just shy of 45 minutes from Bordeaux. He owns a gelato store and yes...I did try every flavor...all delicious 20 of them!
Pascal was a happening former model. Not only was he hot...but this guy is a fantastic cook...thanks to Raffy for showing him the right way! God bless our Raffy! His homemade fresh pasta will make me look at pasta differently now! He spoiled me with his cooking. How can I now eat pasta from a box? Please allow me to indulge in more food talk...if it's not apparent to you gals..yes, ...I am obsessed with food. I was a starving Ethiopian kid in my last life after I was the beheaded Marie Antoinette making people "eat cake"...haha...
This French man who speaks beautiful Italian made me one dinner of oysters, fresh homemade pasta with pesto (see photo), baked sole fish, endive salad and fruit tart pastries. On that note, the sexiest Italian language I've heard is in my humble opinion, Piero's. He wins first place in "The Most Sensual Spoken Italian". Pascal comes in second. Notice that both their names begin with "P". P stands for pleasure, pleasant, pretty, and perfect Italian!
Arcachon is a beachside resort town where the population quadruples during summer, otherwise it mainly has older retired folks inhabiting this little sleepy cute town. It is famous for its sand dunes and beaches. Here oysters are a main catch. The houses there has a very esthetic architecture totally specific to Arcachon. To me it looks like a cross between a Victorian and a colonial Tommy Bahama island style. Postcard pretty and quaint.
Last dinner with him was fois gras with champagne (I told you I ate a lot of this's basically pure fat) homemade pasta with clams that we both dug (more on that later), and I have food coma because I can't remember the rest??? Are you guys getting fat from just reading my eating tales? Oh yeah....homemade flourless chocolate cake and some other store bought chocolate pastry. Yes...each meal I consumed on this trip exceeded 10,000 calories easily!
I will never forget the experience of going on a boat to an island to dig for clams and oysters. When was the last time you had to "work" for your dinner? That night as I helped Pascal prepare for our scrumptious dinner, his friend came by to borrow a professional deli meat slicer. Marco invited me to join them the next evening for a gourmet dinner of feasting food they had brought back from Spain. Sounds like my kind of evening party...let's get the elastic pants out!!!! I was so tempted to stay another extra day just to attend this carnivore eat fest but I had already delayed in going to visit Christine due to the boat ride but to stay an extra day again for a food party? hhhhhmmmmmm.......very tempting indeed. Eenie meenie miney moe.....should I stay for the food party or go to Christine's???
One last word about canneles: it was Pascal who got me hooked. When I first given this sugar filled carb drug...the first one was the best: crunchy and crispy on the outside and soft and luscious in the inside. After that one, I couldn't find one that was as perfect as the first. I had experience less than perfect when the entire thing was nothing but soggy rubber. Like an addict, I would spend $3 a pop to satisfy this craving and on a tormented hunt to find that first love again...perfect out and in. My first one will now become only a distant memory and will forever hold a special place in my heart and mouth.
Back to Paris....I may have to in two years find a successor to my position as I may very well be living back in the land of Eiffel Tower and pain au chocolat. I was the most happiest being alone soaking in the Parisian vibe as it fills my whole being. It is amazing how with a good pair of support shoes, it can transport you in different worlds according to where you travel and happen to end up. Chic, bohemian, artistic, trendy, Asian, Arabic,'s all yours if you are willing to trek and hunt. How irresistible is this charming and romantic city that holds a mystique. Imaginations and dreams are immediately conjured and hearts start to flutter and sing upon the whisper of the word....Paris. N'est-ce pas?
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